Why Men Behave Badly

I listened to an interesting podcast discussing the difference between women’s and men’s evolution mating patterns. They discussed areas where men behave poorly in relationships and in treating women. The dark triad traits in men are narcissism, low empathy, and machiavellian.
A small number of men commit the majority of sexual crimes. They typically are high listed in the traits above; they view people as tools. We have a misconception that sexual predators are losers, but they are generally high status or resource-abundant individuals that think they can get away with it.
There are fewer dark triad traits in women. They typically tend to mate poach or use sexuality to get ahead.
We are constantly judging the mate value between ourselves and our partners. A red flag in a relationship is physically abusing you, trying to isolate you, or producing shame. This is a strategy some men use to lower their partner’s mating value so that they won’t leave them. Not right, and the more we are aware, the more we can work to prevent these terrible situations.
A good thing to remember for a man is if she rejects you, she isn’t playing hard to get. She isn’t interested. I highly recommend the podcast below if you are interested in mating psychology.