Just Start

When there is a sizeable lingering goal in your life, starting can feel daunting. Imagining you reaching your goal can feel impossible. The main task is to do anything that …

Radical Acceptance

The art of radical acceptance is accepting oneself fully. Not just the parts we like, but also including the shadow side. We think similar to how the Buddhists were in …

Planning is Guessing

Let’s be honest. When people have estimates and plans, it is guessing. We are terrible estimators. How many times do we say a task will take 2 hours and it …

Ninja Writing Udemy Course

The Ninja writing course at Udemy helped me think about writing differently. The course had four different levels, narrative, paragraphs, sentences, and words. Each section gave some techniques to incorporate …

Process Versus Events

Process trumps all. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. All huge events have a process that came before them. People focus on Micheal Phelps winning the gold …

Thinking in Bets Lessons

Life isn’t like chess; it’s like poker. Annie Duke goes over in her book Thinking In Bets how random chance affects our life everywhere. We don’t get linear results based …