How to turn Luck into your Favor

Luck is a strange thing. Some of us like to point to people and say, “they got lucky.” Some will say it doesn’t exist. With random chance, there will always be a factor of Luck. There are some strategies proven by science to help put it into your favor.

Lucky people have more chance encounters then non-lucky – Lucky people tend to have more random chance encounters with opportunities. They are the person that met some random real estate investors at a conference that sold them their first duplex. Their current job is from a random person they met at an industry conference. They met their significant other at a random yoga class. How can we implement this?

Try to add random encounters into your life – If you feel you are continually doing the same routine, try to change it up. When you change it up, you will be surprised by what comes out of it. Try to add something you haven’t done in a while, especially a networking event that allows you to meet people. 

Lucky people look at situations with the glass half full – When a bad thing happens to a lucky person, they typically try to look on the bright side. A non-lucky person tends to focus on the negative. A break-up, the lucky person, eventually see they were going their separate ways. A job loss, the lucky person, then shifts it over into their own business. 

When a bad situation occurs, try to see the benefit – I am not prescribing the self-help “the world is all positive, and you can’t feel negative emotions”. I am talking about trying to change the habits of viewing situations. After an adverse event occurs, try to see how it can help benefit you in the future, whenever you have probably processed the emotional impact. 

Lucky people follow their intuition more – Lucky people tend to follow their gut more in situations. These are situations the person has experience in. They do what comes from their subconscious mind and feels right. 

To help your instincts do two things – To help your instincts, you need to be a lifelong learner and meditate. If you meditate, it will get you more in touch with your feelings and thoughts. The lifelong learner helps with bias; at least have some knowledge in the area, you feel intuition will help you follow good instincts. 

The world may be full of probabilities and Luck. We can’t control that but can do our best to put the odds and Luck in our favor. You can’t hit a single, double, or home run if you don’t ever go to the plate. Book below: