Ready Set Future Key Points

Futurism was a term I only recently learned from the Tim Ferris podcast with Jane McGonigal. The skill piquing my interest resulted in taking the Futurism five-course series on Coursera; the link is below. Here are some of the key points that I learned from the course:

  • Ten years from now is the perfect timeframe to think about the future. The time is far enough away, so anything seems possible but close enough for helpful insight.
  • The future is already here; it just isn’t evenly distributed. Signals are everywhere, showing us where we are moving. Collecting these signals can help you make educated guesses on where we are heading. A signal is a clue on how things may become different.
  • Looking at the past ten years can help you appreciate how the world might change. The world has changed so much over the past ten years; it can help give you the mental flexibility on how the world could change moving forward.